During 30th and 31st October, 2018, the Rectorate of the University of Córdoba welcomed the launch (kick – off meeting) of the Project LIFE LiveAdapt – Adaptation to Climate Change of Extensive Livestock Production Models in Europe – formed by institutions from Spain, France and Portugal and coordinated by the University of Cordoba through the doctor of veterinary medicine, Vicente Rodríguez Estévez, of Animal Production’s department.

The meeting was attended by twenty members of the nine entities that form part of the Project: Gestiona Global, SmartDehesa SL, ADPM, Adele, Fedehesa, Fundación Entretantos, Agronatura S.L y Quercus
Throughout two days that lasted the kick-off meeting for the European Project, partners presented their entities to attended and explained the responsibility of each of them within the Project:
C1. Climate Change, water and adapted exploitations management: demonstration of Innovative technological solutions for Climate Change Adaptation.
Pilot 1: GESTIONA GLOBAL (WaterAdapt y PondAdapt).
Pilot 2: SMARTDEHESA (LiveSmart).
C2. Climate change, pastures and biodiversity: demonstration of innovative practices for the adaptation of pastures and lands. UCO.
C.3. Climate change and best practices: identification, adaptation and transfer of good practices to the extensive holdings of livestock adaptation to climate change. ADPM + IDELE
C.4. Climate change and business: definition of business models adapted to the new climate scenario and marketing plan for “extensive” products. UCO + GESTIONA GLOBAL.
C.5. Climate change and training: open courses and advice platform. Fundación Entretantos.
C.6 Climate Change, social participation and policies: action’s for adapting to Climate Change extensive livestock production models. Portability and replicability. IDELE (+ QUERCUS Y Fundación Entretantos).
Monitoring actions’s impact of the Project. GESTIONA GLOBAL + UCO.
Communication and dissemination of results. General dissemination. FEDEHESA. Difusión técnica. ADPM.