Get involved!
There are many ways to collaborate with the Life LiveAdapt project. Share your experience and knowledge, discover other aspects of adaptation to climate change. Extensive livestock needs your participation to be less vulnerable to climate change!

How can I participate?
There are many ways to collaborate and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the project: participate in discussion tables with other farmers, provide information on extensive livestock and climate change, send stool samples of your livestock for parasitological analysis, give your opinion on various topics in our forum, calculate your carbon footprint, receive practical information,…

Share your experience of climate change and good practices.
With the aim to act accurately and to provide relevant solutions, it is crucial to understand how climate change affects our fields, and what problems it generates. No one knows it better than the farmers who experience it every day, with their livestock on their farms and meadows. We are also interested in getting information about adaptation systems that work, so that we can disseminate them and help other farmers

Send us stool samples of your livestock and we’ll provide you an analysis of its parasites..
Through this collaboration we give you the opportunity to receive a personalized diagnosis of the parasitic load of your livestock. You just have to fill out this form, explaining the anthelmintic treatments and protocols you are implementing.
Then you can send us stool samples of your livestock following our instructions, and we will provide you an analysis of its parasites.

Help us learn more about the biodiversity and health of your pastures.
Biodiversity is a key indicator of pastures health. One of our allies is the coprophage fauna (dung beetles and other species), which plays a fundamental role, integrating the excrement into the soil, and thus contributing to its enrichment. We can help you to learn more about the coprophage fauna of your pastures, and this will also help us to know more about its state of conservation.

Give your opinion and share with farmers from other countries.
It is important to give voice to extensive livestock actors, and to discuss the issues that most affect the viability of the farms, and the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the sector. Share your opinion in our forum, and take advantage of this unique opportunity to get in touch with farmers from all over Southern Europe, to learn about their problems and solutions, and to be part of our network.

Share and discover innovative business and marketing models.
The viability of extensive livestock farms depends on a good marketing of their products. There are many business models and innovation possibilities. The project also aims to act in this area:
• Improving the differentiation and marketing of extensive livestock products
• Putting their unique qualities into value
• Incorporating climate change-related risks into the business plans
We want to learn more about creative and successful business models, commercialization issues, possibilities to improve marketing strategies, and how new regulations or agricultural policies could help.

Calculate your carbon footprint
Livestock sector is unfairly accused of being one of the causes of climate change, without distinguishing between different modes of production and types of livestock. For a good calculation of the carbon footprint, account must be taken of emissions generated in feed production and carbon fixation in soil and vegetation. We can help you understand the footprint of your extensive livestock farm, to objectivize and make visible the contribution of extensive livestock to the environment, and to defend its contribution to climate change mitigation.